Is Shading an Issue of the Past with Photovoltaic Panels?

By |2024-04-11T10:40:40+08:00April 11th, 2024|Guideline|0 Comments

In today's rapidly developing solar energy field, the problem of performance degradation caused by shading of photovoltaic modules has always existed. Trees, utility poles, television antennas, and adjacent buildings often cast shadows on solar panels, thereby reducing their efficiency and energy output. However, recent advances in technology and design have made significant breakthroughs, effectively alleviating the impact of shading, marking an important step towards solving this long-term problem. Traditional PV systems are highly susceptible to shading because they are typically connected in series, meaning that shading on one panel affects the output of the entire string. In such setups, the weakest link in the chain dictates the overall performance, resulting in reduced efficiency when even a small portion of a panel is shaded. To address this challenge, innovative solutions have emerged. One breakthrough is the adoption of module-level power electronics (MLPE) such as microinverters and DC optimizers. These devices optimize the power output of individual panels, allowing them to operate [...]