How can industrial and commercial energy storage reduce capacity (demand) electricity charges?

By |2024-06-29T14:33:59+08:00June 22nd, 2024|Guideline|0 Comments

How can industrial and commercial energy storage reduce demand/capacity electricity charges? This is a focus of many companies. Before answering this question, we first need to understand what demand/capacity electricity charges are. The basic electricity price reflects the capacity cost in the enterprise cost, that is, the fixed cost part. The basic electricity fee can be calculated in one of three ways: transformer capacity, contract maximum demand, and actual maximum demand. The basic electricity fee paid by the user each month is only related to its capacity or maximum demand, and has nothing to do with its actual electricity consumption. The electricity price refers to the electricity fee that users need to pay for their actual electricity consumption, usually calculated per kilowatt-hour (kWh). It is a major component of the electricity bill and is directly related to the user's electricity consumption. The electricity price reflects the electricity cost in the enterprise's electricity cost. When calculating the electricity price, the actual [...]